English » WVHS English Department

WVHS English Department

Hemet Unified School District requires forty credits (eight semesters of English for graduation.  Most colleges and universities require that applicants take four years of college prep English courses or electives and earn a grade of "C" or better each semester.  The CSU/UC requirements are four years (eight semesters) of college prep English composition/literature (including no more than one year of advanced ESL/ELD).  West Valley offers the following courses to meet these requirements:
9th Grade
English 1
10th Grade
English 2 or
AP Language and Composition
11th Grade
ERWC 11 or
AP Language and Composition
12th Grade
ERWC 12 or
AP Literature and Composition
  • Advanced Placement (AP) courses are collegiate-level courses that allow high school students to earn college credit by successfully taking an end of the year multiple-choice and essay examination.
  • The Expository Reading and Writing Courses (ERWC) were designed by the Cal State system to prepare high school students for the four-year college experience.  Students learn research methods and rhetoric as well as expository, analytical, and argumentative reading and writing.  Students 
  • English Language (EL) Support classes help English Language Learners develop English skills for redesignation from the EL to the mainstream classroom.
Department Contact
Jacob May, Department Chair & Teacher