Girls Volleyball Message Board

Welcome to WVHS Girls Volleyball! 
We will be starting up girls practice this June after the school year ends.  The following are practice and tryout dates and times.  
June 11th- Girls open Gym 6:15-8:15 pm (All girls who are interested in trying out, 9-12th grade)
June 13th- Girls open Gym 6:15-8:15 pm (All girls who are interested in trying out, 9-12th grade)
June 18,19,20 Girls Volleyball Tryouts 6:15-8:30pm (All Grades)
June 25th- Girls Practice 6:15-8:15
June 27th- Girls Practice 6:1-8:15
For incoming freshmen, we won't actually make freshmen team cuts until August, to allow more time for girls to hear about tryouts and to get their physical paperwork in.  However, if a freshman is good enough to make the varsity or the junior varsity team, we will add them to those two rosters during tryouts.  
First 3 weeks in July is our Dead Period, No Practice for any level:
In the meantime, please work on getting your physical done and uploaded to and them email our athletic director for clearance at [email protected]
You can find the physical packet on this link.  The 3rd page is what needs to be filled out by the doctor or chiropractor and uploaded to athletic clearance.  
 If you have any questions please contact Coach Pulsipher at [email protected]
Thank you!
Fundraising for next year: 
Snap-raise Donations based fundraiser
Snack Bar for home games and Tournament:  We will be assigning the athletes to bring in snack bar donations so that we can sell and make 100% profit for our program.  The assignments will be as follows:
Varsity- Candy:  Sour patch kids, sour punch straws, variety packs of skittles, starbursts, different candy bars etc..
Junior Varsity:  Chips- the mini bags of chips that come in packs.  Hot cheetos, spicy chips, lays, doritos etc..
Freshmen:  Drinks- Gatorade is the top seller, Monster Engergy Drinks, Sodas- coca cola, dr. Pepper, Sprite, water bottles etc.